
Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Very Special Gift to Me

If you really know me, you know that I'm Twilight obsessed, really it's okay, it's a excellent obsession to have, if you need an obsession. Everyone knows my goddaughter, Kat, and her wonderful art work and this is a little special gift she made for me. I love Edward, the vampire, and this delicious photo of Edward and Bella, well, I enjoying looking at this picture all day long. Kat got the photo card and dressed up an old picture frame with all those flowers. She patiently drilled a hole for each flower and then glued the flowers in place all around the frame, a very lush presention. That's a little glass apple, too. I piled the pink ribbon on top of the frame so you can see how it will hang in a place of honor in my art space. I love you, Kat, for spoiling me.
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g.k. chesterton

"Fishy" Art Exchange

I want to show you my art friend Michel for her wonderful 'fish' picture. I found the embossed fish at Paper Source in a sale bin. I just liked them and I told M about the fish and she was intrigued by the idea of using the fish in an art exchange. And there you have it!!! I just love that we chose different views of the frame, vertical and horizontal, cool. Most of the time, Michel and I created art from opposite side of the spectrum, which always makes the exchange a bit of a mystery. I thought with the fish, we would both have a 'water' theme but I am the only one that went swimming. Thanks, Michel, for sharing your art with me. What's next????
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More Mermaid Art

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The Mermaid Club

Just a bit of 'fishy' art. The fun part was gluing the images directly to the back of the glass. A bit tricky, it's hard to put glue on the face of your image and then try to position it just right on the glass. It takes a bit of thought as you are adding the layers. But who isn't up for a challenge once in awhile.
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