
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Harry's in the House

Harry is in the house. I was at Border's bright and early Saturday morning and picked up my reserved copy. No, I didn't run home to read it, I made a stop at Paper Source to do a little shopping, of course. I will tell you all about the great books I got there in a bit. Any way, I sat right down once I got back home and read Harry in 2 days. Yes, 758 pages in 2 days but that is how involved I get with Harry. My DH was a sweetie and let me read away. He cooked dinner Saturday night and went out running around both days so I could read. Isn't my DH a darling??!?! The book was dark and wonderful and the end was just what I expected. No, I won't tell you will have to read it for yourself or have someone else tell you all about it. I don't want to spoil it for you if you are reading it right now. I hope one day to reread all 7 books. Or I could wait for the rest of the movies!! I always think you get so much more by reading the book than the movies but that's just me. Thank you, Harry, for a great ride and even greater story.
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