
Monday, April 19, 2010

One More Thing

The Order of Odd-Fish is a roller coast ride of craziness and humorous fun. If this book isn't on your book shelf, you only have yourself to blame.

It will make for a fabulous summer read, lose yourself in the adventure of a unique young girl as she makes her choice between good and evil. Our Jo will not disappoint any reader ages 10 to 100. The cast of characters will delight you and you only wish you had an apology gun of your own. Treat yourself and go to www.jameskennedy.com and see for yourself.

Thank you, James, for opening up a whole new world and artistic adventure for me. So to our continued friendship, congrats on a wonderful evening, I bow to your genius and love you to pieces.
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Costumed LADIES

This unique evening began with a 2 hour gallery showing of over 100 pieces of art. The event of the evening was a costume party to be held in the Dome of Doom where the people would dance to their death (not really) in their Odd-Fish inspired garb and win, well, the prize is bizarre, the heart of the All Devouring Mother, I hope I got that right, too. These costumed Ladies were only to happy to pose for my camera. I hope one of them won the contest.
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More Artwork

The second photo is that of a CAKE made by a gal in Florida, the fish is throwing out the City of Eldritch. The third photo is the travelling trunk of Lily LaRouche, famed actress of her day, put together by the author's wife, Heather (I hope I got that RIGHT) and the drawers were filled with everything a diva needs. How clever is this!!!
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Works of Art

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Teddy Bihun

A very creative and funny guy from Detroit Teddy Bihun and his lady, Rachel, standing in front of his 3 pieces of art rendered in oils. I wish now that I had a better photo of the imagimation and detail that went into his works. His pictures show the darker characters in the book and were a bit scary but BEAUTIFUL. Teddy, if you drop in, I loved meeting you, talking with you and I must thank you for your interest in my collages. And my goddaughter that attends RISD said I should have told you what R I S D stands for: the Reason I am Sleep Deprivated. I told her it was RISD lose. Love you both, hope we meet again.
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Young Artist and her Work

This young lady created this soft sculpture of the fish in which the City of Eldritch resides. I am so sorry that I can't recall your name. Your art hanging in the center of the room is one of my favorites pieces.
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The Order of Odd-Fish Fan Art Show

On 4/17/10, I spent a wonderful and surreal evening at the Order of Odd-Fish Art Show. This is a photo of myself with the author, James Kennedy. It was the BEST two hours of my artistic existence. James Kennedy is pure kinetic energy. His imagination is wickedly creative and humorous. The art that was inspired by his book was rendered in oils, paper cut art, fiber and fabric, crayon, acrylic, soft sculpture, collage, and even a cake!!! In a loft in the city of Chicago, everyone mingled and viewed these wonderful pieces of the art, I had the chance to meet most of the artists, who were delightful and truly into their craft. To experience my collages in this gallery was universe tilting and nirvana. To have other artists ask me how I create my art really blew me away. I was honored to be in the company of truly creative artists. Thank you, Mr. Kennedy for your book and for asking me to be part of the world you created with my collages.
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Thursday, March 18, 2010

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January 15, 2010

Fast forward...it's early Sunday morning, January 24, and I came to my computer to see what was going on in the universe, and ended up at my blog. That is when my universe tilted! I said on January 15th that with a new decade I was hoping for change and adventure and so far nothing was happening and 2009 was going to repeat its self. I had two comments on that post, the first was some one kind enough to say the year was still young and things would change with a little faith. Thank you. The second comment, the universe tilter, (is that a real word?) was James Kennedy, author of The Order of Odd Fish. HUH? Check my book selection, the title is right there! Somehow, he found ME and said he liked my collages and hoped I would submit some art to his fan art show. WHAT? I was skeptical and thought who's playing tricks on me? I googled James Kennedy and found that it was James Kennedy - no tricks. We made a connection and I quickly read the book again for the fifth time, well, if it's a excellent book, I read it several times. You know of my Twilight obsession, right? You should read his book, too, it's fantastic and the adventure of Jo LaRouche, not your average thirteen year old who has the power to destory Eldritch City that is located in the belly of a very large fish. Well, Odd Fish is part of the title, go for it, I won't give the whole story away. You should never walk past the young adult section in your favorite bookstore, it is filled with incredile reading, move out of your comfort zone, it's 2010!!! I submitted two collages and want to share them with all my art friends and relatives clamouring for me to post the collages after reading my Face Book wall. Their excitement about this universe tilting good fortune of mine is delightful, thanks . Look Mom, I am a star in the universe!

Friday, January 15, 2010


We are 15 days into the new year and nothing new is happening to me. I said I was going to blog more, then the computer completely self destructed and two after that I realized that I did not back up my picasa and.........sounds like 2009 to me all over again.

Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year

Rejoice! 2009 is just a memory and 2010 is here and holds new challenges, inspirations and adventures. I am ready to start the next decade of my life and my art. It is said that every seven years one changes in slight ways, I believe this to be true for the decades as well. The unknown is before all of us - how to live, how to change, how to improve and how to accept it all with good graces. I toyed with the idea of taking a break from my blog - what did I have to say that was new, what art could I display that was fresh? I won't know unless I am on my blog, talking and showing my art. For the new decade I don't want to run away from life, I want to embrace it and one way is to devote some time to my place here, out in the open, in front of all to see. I feel myself changing everyday, for better or worse, with all the doubts I have about where I am going and where I will end up. I stopped making resolutions a long time ago, I always had the same old ones and never kept them anyway. So I have 'challenged' myself to commit to my place here instead. Only time will tell if I have clever things to speak of and good or bad art to show. I challenge you to the same, remember the new year means out with the old, and in with the new. Good Luck to you and me, my friends.