
Monday, April 04, 2011

It's Been Awhile..............

To say the least!!! Almost a year since my last post but I haven't forgotten about my blog or all my art sisters out there. I have been busy with other things in my life, like traveling, reading, and making art. I have a terrible addiction to the game, Farm Town, on FaceBook, LOL. My sweet friend, Carla thought that maybe I needed an intervention with this game, thanks Carla for looking out for me. While I know what is going on with most of family and friends because of FB, I also spending way too much time on the farm game. No fear, the summer is coming and I will be out in the convertible and not down on the farm. It's timely that James Kennedy held another art show of fan art and repeated his lively Doom of Dome this past weekend in LaSalle, Il. (I hope I got the town right!) which meant that my art got a second viewing by curious eyes. Of course, the draw is meeting James Kennedy. Just being in his creative presence is an experience in it's self. He wrote the wonderfully entertaining novel, The Order of Odd Fish which the fan art is based on. You can view pictures of the fan art on my blog. I hope it was a raving success, Mr. K. And yes, please read the book, you will love it. I wish everyone a happy Spring!!! And I will talk with you soon.